We are human. We all have needs.
I have been with and I have also been without. I was no lesser a person when I received but greater a person when I gave.
-Charline Ogbeni
Help us fill a need. Donate items now.
By accepting donated items, including but not limited to baby supplies, or other goods, from Supporting Our Mothers Initiative LLC (“SOMI”), you acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. No Guarantee or Warranty:
Supporting Our Mothers Initiative does not guarantee, warrant, or certify the safety, quality, or suitability of any donated item. All items are provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
2. Use at Your Own Risk:
Families receiving donations assume all risks associated with the use or consumption of donated items. It is your responsibility to inspect and evaluate all items before use.
3. No Medical Advice:
Supporting Our Mothers Initiative does not provide medical advice. For questions about the suitability or safety of items, consult a licensed healthcare provider.
4. Limitation of Liability:
Supporting Our Mothers Initiative, its employees, volunteers, or representatives, are not responsible or liable for any harm, illness, injury, or loss resulting from the use of donated items.
5. Recipient Responsibility:
As a recipient and/or person acting on recipient's behalf, you agree to take full responsibility for ensuring the proper handling, storage, and use of any donated items.
By accepting donated items, you release Supporting Our Mothers Initiative from all liability and agree to these terms.